Underwear for Gift Giving
UNB featured our very own, Terresa Zimmerman, on this episode talking about giving underwear as gifts.
UNB celebrated a FIRST on the podcast - Terresa was the first woman to appear on their podcast.
UNB Summary: Terresa from Wood Underwear joins us for our talk about gift giving. I knew she would be amazing on the podcast but she gave us two really amazing ideas!!! I am also joined by OG’s of the podcast Andy and Erik.
It was a great convo to have with Terresa, and we had some serious discussions on how and why you should give undies. Such as cleaning out your undies drawer, introducing someone to undies, and more. Listen to the show now
Find out more about Wood Underwear at www.woodunderwear.com
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Follow our panelist
Tim – twitter.com/unbtim or IG instagram.com/unbtim
Erik – instagram.com/undiesgeek85
Andy – instagram.com/thescruffygay
Patrick – twitter.com/briefsbuff
Cody – instagram.com/the_speedo_movement
Ryan.- instagram.com/thongtasticryan
Stevie – instagram.com/undies_cub